General Camp Info
Meal Plan for Regular Camp
Our catered meal plan for the full camp covers all meals from dinner on Thursday, March 13 through lunch on Sunday, March 16. All meals will be prepared by the outstanding Cerveny Dining Facility. There will routinely be omnivore and vegetarian options at each meal. Cerveny can also provide vegan meals, and provide meals for those with restricted or special diets. Please let us know on the registration form under “special needs” if you require a special diet. Students may opt out of the regular camp meal plan only by special request.
Meal Plan for the Weekend-Only Option
All meals from dinner on Friday evening through lunch on Sunday are provided by the Cerveny Dining Facility.
Note: the weekend-only plan does NOT include Friday lunch, but Friday lunch may be added as an option.
Friday Lunch
The weekend-only meal plan begins with Friday dinner. However, students registered for weekend-only may opt in to the catered Friday lunch provided for Full Camp participants. The cost is $13.50 per person. Just check the appropriate blank on the registration form.
Vegetarian vs. Vegan Meals
For those unsure of the distinction, entrees classed as “vegetarian” often contain eggs or dairy products such as milk or cheese. Vegan meals contain no animal products whatsoever.
An Outstanding Visual Experience, Too!!
Meals take place at the Varn Dining Hall whose glass-fronted wall allows for an unobstructed view of beautiful White Lake; featuring abundant Spanish moss and frequent sightings of egrets, herons, cranes, and other tropical waterfowl.
Camp Directors
Suwannee Banjo Camp Directors
Honorary Directors
On-site Accommodations
Banjo Camp students have several lodging options – guest room single occupancy, guest room double occupancy, cabin bunk, RV site, or tent camping (lodging types are described below on this page). At Cerveny Conference Center at Camp Weed, we have room for all students to stay on site and we strongly encourage all students to stay on-site. However, students may elect to stay off-site – at a private home, motel/hotel, AirB&B, or conventional B&B – and register for camp as commuters.
How to Reserve Your Lodging
You must reserve and pay for your lodging directly through our host, Cerveny Conference Center. Here’s the best procedure. After you register for camp, to arrange for your on-site lodging contact Cerveny Conference Center directly by phone (386-364-5250), and ask for Gina (or explain that you wish to reserve lodging for Suwannee Banjo Camp). Simply ask to reserve the type of lodging you prefer.
NOTE: YOU CAN ALSO TRY USING THE LODGING RESERVATION APP ON THE CERVENY CONFERENCE CENTER WEBSITE. In the past this app has been plagued with software glitches, but there have been improvements and may be worth a try.
Lodging FAQ’s
Here are the answers to what we expect will be the “FAQ” about the current housing sign-ups arrangement.
- Prices for Lodging. To obtain prices for the different types of lodging available at Cerveny, click here; lodging price information is repeated on the Registration Information page
- Refunds for lodging. Housing reservations are fully refundable from Cerveny Conference Center up to 72-hours prior to the start of Camp.
- Deposits for lodging. You may reserve a lodging unit at Camp with a deposit of 25%; it is also fully refundable until 72 hours prior to the start of Camp.
- Roommates. The Cerveny payment platform allows you to specify a guest-room roommate, or ask to be assigned a double occupancy roommate.
- Handicap-Accessible. You will have an opportunity to indicate special needs.
Note: Cerveny Conference Center has not always been quick to get back to people re housing inquiries. If they don’t return your call within 24 hours, contact SBC directly.
Reserve Guest Rooms and RV Spots early
Lodging reservations are assigned on a first come, first served basis. There are only a limited number of guest rooms and RV sites and experience tells us they will probably go fast. If you want to assure yourself of a guest room or RV hookup reservation, please sign up early!!
Guest Rooms
We have a limited number of motel-level residence rooms – called Guest Rooms – right on site. The guest rooms are very comfortable with double beds, “en suite” bathrooms and individual climate control. They are all a very short walk from most of our classrooms and the dining hall. They are close to the center of the action, but still well out of earshot of late night jammers. Students may sign up for either single or double occupancy. If you sign up with Cerveny Conference Center for double occupancy, you may either suggest a roommate or ask them to assign you one. Cerveny has six handicap accessible guest rooms. Please specify upon registration if you require a handicap accessible room.
Also Important. Please do NOT reserve a guest room unless you have already registered for Camp, or intend to do so within the next day or two.
Note: The guest rooms have all been reserved. There is still plenty of room in the cabins or camp grounds; but if you require guest-room level accommodation, here are the options.
- Get on the Guest Room Waiting List (details below)
- Reserve space in a local hotel/motel or BnB, then register as a commuter
Guest Room Waiting List
When guest rooms fill up, you can get on the waiting list for guest-room accommodations. To get on the guest-room waiting list contact Cerveny Conference Center directly by phone (386-364-5250), and ask for Gina (or explain that you wish to get on the waiting list for guest-room accommodations at Suwannee Banjo Camp). While you’re waiting, we recommend that you reserve a space in our cabins or tenting/RV site; or reserve lodging in a local hotel or BnB.
** Note: we usually have a special arrangement with Holiday Inn Express in Live Oak. **
Lodging Arrangement for Spouse/Companions
Make sure to list both student and spouse/companion with the Conference Center when you sign up for lodging on site. Here are some parameters.
- Guest Rooms: One person pays for the room; the other is listed as an occupant at no additional charge.
- Tents and RV’s: One person pays; the other is listed as an occupant at no additional charge.
- Cabin beds. Spouse/companions who stay in the cabins must register for lodging separately and pay the full cabin price
- Spouse/companions may not sign up for separate, single-occupancy Guest Rooms
Note: we may need to limit the number of spouses and companions. If we begin to run out of space for additional registrants at Camp, we reserve the right to prioritize the admission of regular students.
We have plenty of beds in relatively modern cabins that have electricity, heat, air conditioning, and indoor plumbing. Each cabin has a maximum occupancy of nine students but usually cabin occupancy is lower than that (note: we assign lower bunks only). All cabins are handicap accessible. Each cabin has 3 showers, 3 toilets and a 2 sink vanity. The cabins are located in scenic wooded areas. Cabin residents will need to walk a few minutes through the woods or along a road to get to the dining hall. A few classrooms are close by, but most of them are near the dining hall and require a few minutes of walking.Note: Areas within each cabin are separated by built in cabinets, so that there is some privacy. Please also keep in mind that if you participate fully in our program, you won’t be in your rooms very much (aside from sleeping)!
Note: We will have designated all male, all female, and couples’ cabins.
Note: Guests staying in the cabins must bring their own twin-size sheets, linens, towels and toiletries.
RV Hookups & Tent Camping
We have a limited number of RV hookups available plus plenty of space for tent-camping. There is a conveniently located bath house with male and female sections that is available to both RV and tent residents. Note that it is a good 10-15 minute walk from the RV and tent site to the dining hall and main classroom area. Those staying in the RV/tenting site might consider bringing along a bicycle or planning to negotiate this short commute via your car.Note: The RV and tenting area has picnic tables and other amenities; some great jam sessions have sprung up there in the evenings.
Complete Non-Participants
If your spouse/companion plans to simply stay in an on-site lodging space, RV, or tent through the weekend without signing up for meals, attending concerts or having any other contact with the camp, they do NOT need to register for camp; nor do they need to pay a facilities use fee. However, we do ask that you supply us with their names and emergency contact information.
Lodging Prices
Note that “Full-Camp” refers to three nights’ lodging (Thursday thru Saturday) and “Weekend-Only” refers to two nights’ lodging (Friday and Saturday). Full descriptions of each kind of lodging appears above.
Here are the latest lodging prices, including 10% Florida Housing Tax:
- Guest Room, Single Occupancy (motel-level accommodations). Full Camp: $270; Weekend-Only: $180
- Guest Room, Double Occupancy (motel-level accommodations). Full Camp: $135; Weekend-Only: $90
- Cabin Residency (bunk beds but with indoor plumbing, a/c and heat). Full Camp: $75; Weekend-Only: $50
- RV Residency with Hookup. Full Camp: $57*; Weekend-Only: $86*
- Tent Camping Residency. Full Camp: $30*; Weekend-Only: $20*
* Note: RV charges are per vehicle; tent camping charges are per tent. If there are multiple residents in the RV or tent, only one resident pays the RV or tent rate; all additional residents simply simply pay the tuition and meals rate*
Camper Tips
For advice on finding the site, climate-appropriate dress, bedding, what to bring, etc. check out our Camper Tips! Please be sure to read this advice prior to coming to camp!
Off-site Accommodations
Special Arrangement with Holiday Inn Express in Live Oak
We have reserved a block of rooms at a discounted rate for SBC students at the Holiday Inn in Live Oak (the number there is 386 362-2600). Once our guest rooms are full, students who prefer motel-level accommodations may elect to reserve a room at the Holiday Inn. The rooms are very nice and have all recently been renovated. They have a pool and also offer free breakfast. Students who stay at the Holiday Inn register at the commuter rate. If you elect to eat breakfast at the Inn, and let us know by Feb. 28, 2025, we will refund that portion of tuition that covers breakfasts. Breakfast refunds will be made at check-in and amount to roughly $10 per meal.
**How to claim your discount: Make sure to call the local number (386 362-2600) and NOT the national reservation number. They may ask for a code, in which case you’ll see it posted here.**
Other Hotels and AirBnB
There are three sizable motels right in Live Oak, Florida, in addition to the Holiday Inn Express. In addition, quite a number of motels, etc. are to be found in and around Lake City, Florida, less than half an hour away. And don’t forget AirBnB; a quick check showed that there are quite a number of airbnb purveyors within easy range of our site.
Note: Because there are sometimes large regional events in March that draw crowds (such as stock car races), be sure to make your motel reservations early.
Other Motels in Live Oak, Florida
- EconoLodge: 386-362-7459
- Sunshine Inn 386-362-7828
- Best Western Suwannee River Inn 386-362-6000
Jams & Concert
Jams & Concerts
Creating successful jams in a camp with so many banjoists takes skill and planning. To make things run as smooth as possible, we have Camp fiddlers, guitarists and other musicians on hand to assist at our various scheduled jams. Then we try to fulfill your preferences by offering various jamming options:
- Slow jams for relatively inexperienced players (and for others who prefer relaxed tempos).
- “Jam Workshops.” On the first evening of camp we will offer How-to-Jam Jams in both bluegrass and old-time that focus on jam etiquette, logistics and survival skills.
- Intermediate jams: well-known tunes at moderate tempos.
- Regular Jams: for the slightly more adventurous. Instructors will may push tempos a little and suggest somewhat more demanding tunes, depending on the skill level of attendees
- Vocalists jams: for folks who really like to sing and pick at the same time!!
Note: Every registrant is encouraged to join in our staff-led jams and all instruments are welcome. They’re not just for banjo players!!
Additional Advice: Although our expert and fully well-meaning faculty members are there to facilitate your jamming experience, please understand that to some degree the quality of that experience is up to you. If tunes are too hard or tempos get too fast for the posted level of the jam, if you get inadvertently skipped over when breaks are passed around, or if you’re simply not sure what your role is, please don’t hesitate to speak up!
Faculty Concerts
Our Faculty Concerts take place on Friday and Saturday evenings, and you will have a chance to hear all of our staff in concert. If you are a fan of bluegrass music, old-time music, or simply old-fashioned musical virtuosity and good taste, these concerts are simply not to be missed. Many students at our live camps have told us that the concerts alone are worth the price of admission.
To hear some samples of previous SBC Faculty Concerts, check out our Suwannee Banjo Camp Youtube Archive
On Friday afternoon, we offer an entire class-session that is devoted to demonstrations, or demos. Demos are essentially presentations or mini-performances combined with explication and Q&A sessions. They are similar to the kind of round-robin events called “workshops” at many Folk or Bluegrass Festivals. Following are a few examples of the kinds of demos we might offer:
- Old-time finger picking styles
- Singing with the Banjo
- Alternative Tunings
- Banjo-Fiddle duets
- All Scruggs All the Time
- Tips on Playing in a Band
- Jazz & Swing on Banjo, 3-finger Style
- Fiddle Tunes on Banjo
Why attend Demonstrations? Although there’s no hands-on instruction, demonstrations offer a valuable learning experience. By watching our instructors play in the demos, and listening to their explanatory remarks and verbal interchanges, you get a strong sense not only of the state of the field, but also of the history of bluegrass and old-time music. What’s more, observing the instructors in action is a great way to discover whose styles you are most attracted to, and whose methods of presentation suit you best.
There will be two faculty concerts at SBC – one on Friday evening and the other on Saturday. We plan to have about half the faculty performs each evening, so by the end of Camp you will have had a chance to hear our most if not all of our staff in concert. If you are a fan of bluegrass music, old-time music, or simply old-fashioned musical virtuosity and good taste, these concerts are simply not to be missed. Many students at our live camps have told us that the concerts alone are worth the price of admission.
There are a couple of performance samples on this page; to hear more check out our Suwannee Banjo Camp Youtube Archive.
Camp Scholarships
Suwannee Banjo Camp Work Study Program
We offer a few work-scholarships each year. The deal is as follows: we offer $250 off your tuition in exchange for roughly 10 hours of work. Among the jobs you might be assigned to are helping with set-up and registration, assisting at the camp store and at meal times, and serving as “go-fers.” Be prepared to appear on site about an hour before check-in on Thursday and to remain on site to help with cleanup for an hour or two after the conclusion of Camp. Applicants should be physically fit, and should be unable to afford coming to camp without the scholarship. We would particularly like to encourage those under 25 to take advantage of this plan. If you are interested, please contact us and describe your situation. We reserve the right to discontinue this offer once we figure we have enough people signed up.
Youth Scholarship Program
Apply to our Youth Scholarship Program. If you are 25 or under and would like to apply for a youth scholarship, email us with a few paragraphs describing your musical experience and ambitions. It will also help to attach a recommendation from one or more instructors or established musicians who know you. The number of grants we are able to offer in any given year naturally depends on the level of contributions received. It is likely that most grants offered will take the form of partial scholarships.
How to Apply for a Scholarship
Send us an email at, and give us an idea of your musical background and why you feel that attending SBC 2024 will help you achieve your musical goals. A note of recommendation from your music teacher or from another music pro – particularly one of our current or former instructors – would also be helpful.
Donate to our Youth Scholarship Program
Youngsters often get a tremendous kick-start by being exposed to great players and to the exciting atmosphere of a banjo camp, but they often have trouble finding the resources to attend. In an effort to remedy this state of affairs — and help ensure the future of the music we love — our youth scholarship fund is aimed at helping to bring more folks under 25 to Camp.
If you can afford to contribute $25, $50, or even $100 to this cause, please note the amount of your donation in the appropriate box on the Registration Form.
Establish a Full- or Partial-Scholarship in Memory of Someone Special
You might consider setting up a once-only or recurring scholarship in the name of a family member or close friend who was a devoted banjo player, or who simply loved banjo music. We would get faculty recommendations to find suitable candidates for the award and announce the recipient and award name on the website and at Camp. For more information or to set up a named scholarship, email us with your thoughts.
Thank you for your support!
Program Schedule
Contact Information
Postal Address:
Suwannee Banjo Camp
c/o Ken Perlman
307 Bellevue St
Boston MA, 02132