~ About Our Next Banjo Camp ~

Dates for Next Camp:

MARCH 13-16, 2025


2021 Camp Online

Student Comments

Students on Suwannee Banjo Camp 2024

I loved my banjo camp experience! The instructors were amazing and I really got a lot out of the classes. There’s nothing I didn’t like. I can’t express enough how much I enjoyed this camp. Classes were so helpful and exactly what I needed. I can’t thank the instructors enough for sharing their knowledge with us. They were all so patient and complementary. I loved everything about the camp and definitely plan to attend next year! (Karilyn Trent: The Villages FL)
The camp was an outstanding experience. I’ll definitely be back next year (Brian Blankenship: Crystal River, Florida)
Absolutely loved it. The Old Time teachers were fantastic. I sometimes had a hell of a time choosing a class. Instruction was super; food was great; jams at end of day were so beneficial; location was good. (David Raistrick: Bradenton, FL)
Awesome! What a fantastic, welcoming experience. Love the focused classes, the opportunities to focus on one technique or tune! (Laura Gayle Green: Tallahassee)
I can’t change all the troubling things that make people angry , but I can make the world better in small ways through getting better at my personal music skills it is inspiring to be around talented people at SBC and I learned new ways to improve myself and a path forward to getting better with direction and ideas of the great teachers here . I am practicing I notice that songs or skills that were difficult a month ago are easier now, and I have a small sense of progress in my life. Playing banjo helps keep me in a happy mood and able to share that happiness with others. Thank you! (Ron Schnellbacher: Flagler Beach FL)
I had a great time, learned a lot, and very much looking forward to next year! I especially like the fact that Suwannee Banjo Camp offers the novice Level Banjo Class.  This level is not available at some of the other camps I have attended. And to top that you have brought in some of the best in the business to teach. I felt I received a very solid foundationfor my journey into playing old time banjo. (Joe Duncan, Rockledge FL)
Great first experience. So great to meet/see More pickers! I most liked the community of people who are excited about banjo, and the chance to meet banjo legends. (Carlos Mendoza: Panama City FL)
10 out of 10! Can’t wait for next year. The instructors are uniformly at the top of their profession; their abilities are inspiring. The number and variety of classes offered was phenomenal. Don’t change! (Alan Gibbons: Delray Beach FL)
The instructors were very patient and kind to everyone . Very encouraging to those that were learning . It did help to have handouts. These have formed my book. (Hal Brim, Newnan, GA)
I hadn’t been to the camp since before Covid. It was great to see that all the things that make the camp so great were still in place. I think the instructors were tremendous. (Ed Serotta, Bonita Springs, FL)
The camp was great!!! I thoroughly enjoyed it. The camp was very well organized from beginning to end. My instructors were very nice, friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. I look forward to attend again next year. Camp was great and really a perfect learning environment. I see no way it could be improved. (Sammy Carpenter, Cocoa FL)
Great, could not be better! Superior faculty, excellent organization; can’t think of anything I want to change. (Jim Bolling: Jacksonville FL)
Loved everything. Can’t wait to come back as soon as I can. Beautiful setting. Great staff.  Amazing teachers . (Lisa Gongola, Siminole FL)
Excellent! Staff and SBC faculty were informative and organized. Classes were great. Very fun and helpful. (Karen LaBarbera; Jacksonville FL)
5 star! Dedication to students; beautiful setting! (Chrales Robbins: Wilmington NC)
Close to home and beautiful sight! Unbelievable food with healthy options. I liked how personable instructors were. (Luis Delgado: Tallahassee FL)
Great event. Always something new to learn, friends to see again, make new friends. It’s a great environment of like minded folks. (John McClure: Sebring FL)
Had a great time, learned a lot and met some wonderful people! (Kit Rees: Baltimore MD)
Very well organized; the instruction is great and I feel like I learned a lot (Jonathan Blackmon: Tallahassee)
Excellent – great program! Great classes and opportunities to interface with great instructors and other students. (David Prince: Big Canoe GA)
Fabulous! Wonderful teachers, performances, program, variety. The regular old time jams were a lot of fun! I enjoyed playing guitar and maybe next time I’ll be brave enough to play banjo! (Debby Rolka: Cherry Log GA)
Excellent! I loved the variety of offerings; quality of instruction. High end! (Henry Rolka: Cherry Log GA)
A+.  I loved the quality of instructors – Including their ability as teachers and willingness to lift/motivate students. Thanks to all that make this camp happen! (John Catches: Ponte Vedra Beach FL)

Students on Suwannee Banjo Camp 2023

I cannot even begin to describe how useful Suwannee Banjo Camp was. The classes were right on point with what I needed, the instructors were knowledgeable, non-judgmental, helpful and top notch. I loved the camaraderie with fellow students, instructors and yourself. I can’t even imagine it could be improved, and I am so thankful I made the decision to attend. In addition to a great program, the relaxed setting was just perfect. I am putting next year’s program on my calendar now. (David Prince: Jasper, GA)
Thanks a ton for everything you, the staff and instructors did to make this camp so great. I can’t stop talking about all that I learned and who I met. It was a great experience. This was the first time I had ever played in front of somebody who could give direct personal instruction, and I treasure that time and encouragement. I look forward to next year to see how much progress I will make. (Greg Williams: Wilmington, NC)
I wanted to let you know what an amazing weekend I had. I learned so much and really got the context for banjo playing that I was missing. I’ve been learning out of books on my own and there’s just so much we can’t do alone. (Tiffany Hopkins: Lily Dale, NY)
I am filled up for another year! Be back God willing and the Creek don’t rise! (Jaque Rasmussen: Miltona, MN)
Fun, challenging stretched my skills; learned many useful ideas for continued growth in banjo skills. (Ron Schnellbacher: Flagler Beach, FL)
Well organized and very welcoming. (Mark Kover: Cumming, GA)
Instruction was top notch! (Steve Hairfield: Hanahan, SC)
Great to be back! I missed SBC a lot [in the pandemic years]. (Lawrence Barker, Knoxville, TN)
Liked the setting, the rooms, the food, the world-class instructors. (Nancy Bentley: Cleveland, NC)
Highest possible. Elite!! (Richard Sherman: Davie, FL)
Arrive-Amazed-Bewildered-Overwhelmed-Exhausted!! (Eddie Hamilton: Vero Beach, FL)
Super camp! [It’s] very hard to balance instruction, jams and concerts; and great job done with that! [I liked] being around great friends and gaining technique and wisdom from great instructors. (John McCure: Sebring, FL)
Great location, great music, great people! (Neil Donovan: Chicago, IL)
Wonderful; great experience! (Laura Gayle Green: Tallahassee, FL)
Fantastic and impressive! (Gabriel Deloreto & Kathi Rodgers: West Palm Beach/Lake Clark, FL)
5 Star! Most awesome experience! (Peggy Klimm: Tampa, FL)
Great experience! (Rick Hall: Tallahassee, FL)
Great! Enjoyed the variety of instructors and styles. (Tim Zierden: Marietta, GA)

About the Online Camp

SBC Is Moving on Line

Due to the Covid crisis, we all knew that there was at least some chance that it might be difficult or impossible to hold an in person event in Live Oak Florida this coming March, and we were expecting that we would have to make a difficult decision at some point. Even though there are vaccines on the horizon, the current sate of things – and logistics at our venue – make it impossible to guarantee that we’ll be able to safely gather together to study our favorite instruments. It is with great regret then, that we must now officially cancel the in-person version of SBC. That’s the sad news.

The hopeful news is that SBC will be moving online for 2021 and in a big way. We’ll announce most details shortly (and in fact some are still being worked out) but we expect offer the following.

  •  Length of event. MBC online will run for two solid days: Saturday and Sunday, March 13-14
  • Class time-slots. There will be five class time-slots per day.
  • Number of Tracks. We have found software that allows us to run 10 tracks simultaneously; so your options will almost be as large as for the in-person Camp.
  • Class length. Each class will be one hour long followed by a 15 minute Q&A period
  • 5-String banjo tracks offered. During each class time-slot we expect to offer four levels of bluegrass banjo, and four levels of old-time banjo. The tracks will be called Basic, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, and Advanced.
  • What about total novice banjo? We don’t feel that we can offer the kind of interactive instruction online required to launch complete beginners. However, we plan to offer detailed videos that would get people started ahead of time
  • Classes in other instruments. We will continue to offer a full program in old-time fiddle. We will offer one full day in guitar and one full day in mandolin.
  • Other Activities. We will offer at least one, and possibly two online concerts featuring members of our faculty. We may also offer some internet style “jams” (instructors play on line; participants play on their own at home with their audios muted).
  • Faculty. So far almost the entire 2021 faculty has already agreed to participate in the online event.
  • Cost. $125 per day, or $240 for the entire event.
How We’ll do It. Classes will be conducted over the Zoom network. Another “app” essentially connects Zoom and our website; it allows students to select the classes they wish, access handouts,etc. It will also allow you to access videos of events that have already taken place (in other words, in effect you can be at two or more places at once; Harry Potter lives!!).